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Facoltà di Architettura, aula B5, sede di Fontanella Borghese, Piazza Borghese, 9 Roma
ore 10.00

LECTURE DI RAFFAELE PERNICE - UNSW Sydney, School of Built Environment

Tokyo’s Architecture and Urbanism 1945-1980

The end of the World War II, which was heralded by the surrender of Japan on 2nd September 1945, left Tokyo and other
major Japanese cities in ruins. With the cities in rubbles, the industrial and economic structures on their knees, and a society
profoundly shaken by the defeat in war and the humiliation of the surrender, Japan languished for several years. In the
following decades Japan embarked in an impressive process of national growth thanks to ambitious programs of infrastructure
and industrial development which turned the country in a laboratory of original and influential ideas in architecture and design.
The lecture will outline the key Japanese architects, projects and concepts in the architectural and urban context of Japan, and
their contribution to the international cultural debate between 1945-1980.

a cura di: Corso di Urban Morphology all’interno del Corso di Laurea Magistrale Architecture (Conservation)

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