Aula G42, Edificio di Gianturco, Facoltà di Architettura, via Emanuele Gianturco 2
ore 9.00
Lecture by Lana Kudumovic
Following the end of the war in 1995, Bosnia and Herzegovina commenced its transition towards a sustainable future. Nonetheless, post-war reconstruction is long-term process, and this lecture will provide a brief overview of the stances that the reconstruction in post war Bosnia appeared during the past 30 years. The rehabilitation process started with reconciliation and the reconstruction of key monuments, subsequently encompassing recovery through new urban development. Monuments and built heritage had particularly important role in reconstruction process. Recently, efforts have been made to enhance the status of built heritage by establishing comprehensive policies. The challenges of post-war reconstruction extend beyond the urban and infrastructure recovery; the return of people and the restoration of socio-cultural identity are fundamental to the entire process. So, when does the urban reconstruction end?
a cura di: Corso di Urban Morphology, Master Degree Architecture (Conservation)
Ciclo di lezioni a cura di Giusi Ciotoli