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Tavola Rotonda

Facoltà di Architettura, Aula Magna, Piazza Borghese, 9, 00186 Roma
ore: 14.00-19.00

Tavola Rotonda

Collective action in the landscape

The round table scheduled for October 4th, 2023, pertains to collective action in the landscape. It encompasses experiences
of activism and art aimed at addressing the unprecedented climatic and social crises we are currently witnessing. The
discussion will focus on various ways of perceiving, intervening in, and fostering collective and collaborative landscape
actions. It will also explore how research can stimulate new representations of plurality and complex relationships that catalyze
collective actions.

a cura di: Dottorato in Paesaggio e Ambiente (Diap), dottorande S. Ahmed, M.Borrello, C. Daniele, J. Profaska

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