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International Workshop

Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto_Faculty of Architecture_Sapienza University of Rome
Facultad de Arte y Arquitectura _ Universidad del Salvador USAL
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Urban and Architectural Design International Workshop
Mobile cultural center design in the Parana Delta
El teatro de la vida. Escenario que fluye entre-tejiendo lugares isleños
Monday April 06th – Friday April 17th 2020
NOTICE: Students attending the fourth year of the five-year course can partecipate too.
Organizing committee
The Department of Architecture and Design (DiAP)- Faculty of Architecture_Sapienza University of Rome, with the scientific coordination of prof. Nicoletta Trasi and prof. Rosalba Belibani, in coordination with the Facultad de Arte y Arquitectura, Universidad del Salvador USAL, with the scientific coordination of prof. Marcelo De Simone, is organizing an International Workshop on Architectural and Urban Design on the theme: Mobile cultural center design in the Parana Delta. Life theatre. Scenario that flows between-weaving island areas for Recreo Blondeau communities from 6th April to 17th April 2020. The workshop will be held at the USAL University in Buenos Aires, and the final Jury Workshop will be held in USAL Campus de Pilar: Auditorio, Aula 1 - Taller, Aula 2 - Lectures, Hall - Exposición Final.
Participating Institutions:
- Facultad de Arte y Arquitectura _Universidad del Salvador USAL
- Department of Architecture and Design (DiAP)_Faculty of Architecture_Sapienza University of Rome with PhD Architecture Theory and Design
Scientific Committee:
prof. Orazio Carpenzano (DiAP), prof. Nicoletta Trasi (DiAP), prof. Rosalba Belibani (DiAP), prof. Marcelo Salvador De Simone (USAL), prof. Juan Patricio Addesso (USAL), prof. Fabian Galarza
Tutors: arch. Giulia Condulmari (DiAP), arch. Joaquin Colombo Baratta (USAL)
The first two days of the workshop will be dedicated to visit the sites of workshop design either by boat or care and lead by the teaching staff.
The workshop will begin on Monday, 6 April at 10 am and will finish Friday 17 April at 7 pm, the day of the final Jury.
The organizers will draw up a flight plan and inform all participants, but everyone is free to book their own flights at their best convenience, compatible with the workshop dates (we recommend that you arrive in Buenos Aires no later than Sunday, 5 April and leave no earlier than Saturday, 18 April).
Architectural Design theme:
Mobile cultural center design in the Parana Delta. El teatro de la vida. Escenario que fluye entretejiendo lugares isleños.
A mobile itinerant device with the capacity to carry out community activities of a social, educational and cultural nature in the area of intervention, with its operational head of infrastructure, local-regional connectivity and main services at the Recreo Blondeau.
There are 3 elements to design:
1: Portable device and contact / mooring infrastructure It is essential to understand the characteristics of each of the points of contact, as well as the choice of territorial "mooring" points and the design of the experiences to which it is offered.
2: Itinerary of a social-educational-cultural nature For the definition of the itinerary, six educational locations of the area will be taken as reference points, with the Blondeau Recreation, as a “core-station piece”.
3: Blondeau Enclave Develop the intervention criteria of this island enclave as a “core-station piece” to link the recreation areas, the house, the training pavilions, the health and police center and the School No. 28; and project the dock / mooring infrastructure and the spaces for the construction, workshop and storage of the projected components for the different uses demanded by educational establishments.
Who can participate?
Students attending the fifth year of the five-year course, second year of Master degree, and PhD students. The minimum number of participants accepted is 12 students.
Interested students will be able to continue the workshop theme with their graduation theses, if necessary, by taking advantage of scholarships for student mobility with the USAL, provided by Sapienza.
Four credits for extracurricular activities will be attributed to the participants.
Costs and organization:
The workshop registration fee is 500 €. This fee includes the student’s insurance and the visit tours in Parana Delta (the workshop’s areas).
Deadline: 15th March 2020
Travel and subsistence expenses to be covered by the participants.
For registration, please write to Roberta Neccia:
For further information concerning the workshop theme, please write to prof. Nicoletta Trasi: and prof. Rosalba Belibani:
Data notizia


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