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Call for paper - Zevi

The Department of Architecture and Design and the Department of History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture of Sapienza University of Rome are launching a call for paper, in order to invite researchers and academics to take part in the debate at the conference on “Bruno Zevi e la didattica dell’architettura”. 
The Conference will take place in Rome and be hosted by the Faculty of Architecture, on the 9th of November 2018, as part of the celebrations of the “Hundredth anniversary of the birth of Bruno Zevi”. The conference will be divided into four topics: 
1. Formation years;
2. Zevi professor at IUAV in Venice (1948-1963);
3. Zevi professor at the Faculty of Architecture of Rome between 1963 and the end of the 60s;
4. Zevi professor at the Faculty of architecture of Rome in the 70s; L’istituto di critica operativa. 
The most interesting proposals will be selected by the Scientific Committee to be presented on the day with a 10 minutes speech, or to be included in the proceedings of the conference that will be published in spring 2019 by the two Departments in charge of the conference. 
By the 30th of June 2018, entrants are required to send an abstract of 2000 characters (including spaces), in Italian or English, to the email address: 
By the 1st of October, entrants are required to send their final papers of between 12 000 and 15 000 characters (including spaces), in Italian or English, to the same address.  
The scientific committee will make a first selection of the abstracts by the 16th of July 2018. The papers that will be presented during the conference and those that will be published in the proceedings will be selected by the 12th of October 2018. 
Scientific Committee: Orazio Carpenzano (Sapienza, DiAP), Carlo Bianchini (Sapienza, DSDRA), Giovanni Carbonara (Sapienza, DSDRA), Claudia Conforti (Roma Tor Vergata), Roberto Dulio (Politecnico di Milano), Antonella Greco (Sapienza, DSDRA), Margherita Guccione (MAXXI Architettura), Alessandra Muntoni (Sapienza, DSDRA), Piero Ostilio Rossi (Sapienza, DiAP) e Antonino Saggio (Sapienza, DiAP).
Organizing Committee: Francesca R. Castelli, Maria Clara Ghia, Federica Morgia, Antonella Romano, Luca Porqueddu e Gianpaola Spirito. 


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