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International Workshop

from 20th to 29th September 2017
Facoulty of Architecture, Valle Giulia, via Gramsci, 53 - ROME
Paesaggi dell'archeologia lungo il tracciato ciclabile a Est di Roma
The enhancement of the urban areas, and in particular of the archeological landscapes. along the route of GRAB - Great Ring of the Bycycles - that crosses the city of Rome, is the object of the international Workshop that the Sapienza Master "Architecture for Archeology. Projects for Enhancement of Cultural Heritage", together with Legambiente, organized in Rome from 20th to 29th September.
The workshop is open to undergraduates, graduates, PhD students in Architecture and Archeology, as well as architects and archeologists.
Selection procedures
Applicants should send a dossier (CV + illustrated portfolio) to, by the date of 10th September 2017. 
Data notizia


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