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Course catalogue

delegate for Didactics: Fabrizio Toppetti


Bachelor's and Master's Degree Courses

Pursuant to article 11 of the Sapienza Statute, the Department of Architecture and Design has assumed, within the Faculty of Architecture, the role of reference department for some Degree Programs represented on the Didactic Area 1 Council

Single-cycle Degree Course in Architecture
President of the Degree Course Rosalba Belibani

Inter-university Master Degree Course in Landscape Architecture
(in collaboration with S.R.I.E.G., Silk Road International Educational Group)
President of the Degree Course Fabio Di Carlo

Inter-University Bachelor Degree Course in Landscape and Environmental Planning and Design
University of Tuscia - Sapienza University of Rome
President of the Degree Course Rita Biasi

and associated department for:
Bachelor Degree Courses in
Architectural Sciences | Industrial Design | Project Management in Building Construction
Master Degree Courses in
Architecture (Conservation) | Architecture - Urban Regeneration | Design, Multimedia and Visual Communication Product design | Project and Construction Management of Building Systems | Landscape Architecture

The eight Study Programs are divided into four Didactic areas


Research Doctorate

Each PhD course is based on a three-year programme and is managed by the specific graduate school which oversees the programme.  Read more (...)

Master course

It's a course of study post-degree or post-Masters Degree. Read more (...)

Advanced training courses

There are courses designed to promote cultural retraining. In these courses can also access those lacking qualifications at university level. Read more(...)