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MARCH 30_2021
MARCH 31_2021

Online streaming on ZOOM - ID: 882 3786 8963 Passcode: 099164

The Landscape as Union
between Art and Science

Alexander von Humboldt and Ernst Haeckel


Many worldwide institutions have celebrated during the year 2019 the 250th anniversary of the birth of Alexander von Humboldt and the centennial of Ernst Haeckel’s death. Their contribution in the natural sciences, their cosmopolitan view and transdisciplinary approach offer an exemplary demonstration of the importance of interconnected systems. The concepts of what von Humboldt called “Naturgemälde” and Haeckel defined as “Ecology” imply global connections between biotic and abiotic realms. The pandemic has on one hand interrupted the celebrations and on the other, somehow amplified the importance of those contributions.

The PHD programme in Landscape and Environment of Sapienza University in Rome wants to discuss our current knowledge in the areas of landscape design and environmental theories and their relationship with the original concepts and insights of these two key figures. Researchers, philosophers, scientists, explorers and artists at the same time, their thinking attests the importance of holistic connections and of keeping together the scientific, humanistic and artistic approaches. The international conference wants to evaluate the modernity of their thoughts in our present time, their legacy in the theory and practice of landscape design.


Scientific Curator:
Alessandra Capuano, Coordinator,
PhD Landscape and Environment, Sapienza

Anita Berrizbeitia and Pablo Pérez-Ramos, Harvard University, Cambridge
Sonja Dümpelmann, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Franco Farinelli, Geographer, Bologna
Michael Lee, University of Virginia, Charlottesville
Francisca Lima, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
M. Yves Petit-Berghem, École Nationale Supérieure de Paysage de Versailles, Paris
Günther Vogt, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich
Rainer Willmann, Zoologist and Ecologist, Gottingen

Rita Biasi, University of Tuscia, Viterbo
Lucina Caravaggi, Sapienza University of Rome
Alessandra Capuano, Sapienza University of Rome
Piermaria Corona, University of Tuscia, Viterbo
Isotta Cortesi, University of Naples Federico II
Fabio Di Carlo, Sapienza University of Rome
Renzo Motta, University of Turin
Sara Protasoni, Polytechnic of Milan
Giuseppe Scarascia Mugnozza, University of Tuscia, Viterbo

Organizing Committee:
Veronica Caprino, Phd Student, Landscape and Environment, Sapienza
Liliana Impellizzeri Laino, Phd Student, Landscape and Environment, Sapienza
Thania Sakellariou, Phd Student, Landscape and Environment, Sapienza





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